Php Mcrypt Install

Php Mcrypt Install

PhpInstall php mcrypt ubuntu 18.04

When installing Laravel 4 on a fresh Ubuntu or Debian system, you’ll probably get this error message: “Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension.”

Php Mcrypt Install

To install the mcrypt php extension, do this:

The suggested solution worked right then. Now let me just SUM up what you need to install mcrypt extension to php 7.2 on Cpanel. RPM link is for (Centos 7)! For other systems please see link in previous comments. How to install the php mcrypt module on RHEL 6. How to install the php mcrypt module on RHEL 6. Tyler (291) Total time: 1 minute.

and restart the server

By the way, this might be off-topic, but let’s be honest: Laravel is a wonderful thing, but the install instructions are .. well… totally incomplete. It’s impossible to install laravel without doing some additional things that are simply not documented. The official tutorial completely misses the installation of the necessary plugins, necessary mod_rewrite shit and necessary vhost actions.


Go here if you need a full tutorial on how to install Laravel 4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Php Mcrypt Install App

This article was written quite a while ago (7 years), please keep this in mind when using the information written here. Links, code and commands might be outdated or broken.

Php Mcrypt Install Xampp

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  • I get sudo: apt-get: command not found when I try to install mcrypt – any ideas?

  • I totally agree. For those of us starting out, it has been a total pain trying to get things started. I wasted countless hours just trying to get Laraval running on MAMP, and got mostly there, but had a ton of issues with basic routing. On the forums, some users suggested trying out Vagrant, and that went a lot smoother, but just tried to create my database and got the missing mcrypt error. I still have not found a bash file that gets everything just right for Laravel. Someone should do a Laravel Vagrant tutorial that explains things in more detail. The best tutorial I have found so far is – but even that one caused some issues for me. The author graciously pointed me to – and that got my LAMP stack up on Vagrant. But still does not help with getting Laravel working on Vagrant. Anyhow, slowly making progress, but I just thought things would be a lot simpler to get started.

    • Check

      • Thank you for writing this. Now that we have somewhat decent Internet connections, I wonder if it would be easier to just make a vagrant or something box that is preconfigured with laravel stuff.

        Edit: here’s the basic idea